"Have a nice day" is not the path to business success. But understanding the climate in your company can be, and now, that crucial knowledge is at your fingertips.

A planet’s climate regulates the viability of life. The climate in an organization – how well it supports desirable behaviors and effectiveness – can determine the company’s ability to survive and thrive.

Delight Index™ is a unique tool for assessing and diagnosing that organizational climate.

Want your people to be more independent, more innovative, more communicative? Make sure the environment encourages independence, innovation and communication. It’s not enough to simply send employees off for training. First, check the climate. Are conditions right for evolution and growth?

By juxtaposing opinions of employees and managers within the organization, as well as those of outside contractors and even customers when appropriate, Delight Index™ assesses how well the climate nurtures the qualities you’re after. It also assesses precisely how and where adjustments can allow desired behaviors to flourish.

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